Starboard Tack

We had a wind shift this morning and have jibed the spinnaker. This is our first starboard tack of the trip, and if this north wind holds, that will mean an unobstructed sunset view tonight. Fingers crossed. Yesterday we had a green flash followed by a gorgeous metallic color show.

Earlier yesterday, Jazz tried to swim. But despite dropping the sails, Villa still wanted to move through the water, and Jazz had to use the swimming rope to get back aboard. So that was our little adventure for the day. Shortly after we saw some pointy-looking bubbles float by, which we’re pretty sure are man-o-war jellyfish. No more swimming until we arrive.

Which should be pretty soon! Jazz is disappointed and is trying to convince Andrew that we should tack back and forth until the food runs out. This is the longest break we’ve taken from boat work since we bought the boat, and it feels like arrival means the end of the vacation. People say these islands we’re going to are beautiful, but it’s hard to imagine anything more beautiful than gentle ocean in all directions.

207 miles to Hiva Oa.


  1. After weeks at sea one of the biggest sensory surprises will be the smell of earth…pungent and sweet with decay and life.

  2. Eek, I’m so excited for you guys! I assume you won’t see comments until you land, so haven’t been commenting, but I’m following along! XOXO to you both!

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