Sick at Sea, but not Sick of the Sea

The wind is light, the water is reasonably calm, and Jazz is sick. Despite her cold, she reports there were beautiful meteors last night, and a gorgeous view of the milky way with no moon.

We received report that Acushnet has checked out and is leaving Bora Bora today. At this rate they’ll arrive only a few days after we do. We miss our spinnaker, as we’re easily losing 2 knots or a third of our possible speed. That’s not quite enough to make us repair it under way; Jazz thinks she knows how she’ll fix it, but wants to call the designer first to make sure she doesn’t mess up her baby. She’s also a little resistant to doing projects due to her scratchy throat and fever.

Captain is starting to adjust to the calmer water, and we have to watch him to make sure he doesn’t get too brave and leave the cockpit. He did, however, almost fall in the toilet, so that curtailed a little of his cockiness. Andrew caught him, but he still aborted his attempt to drink from the sink.

492 miles to Apia.

One comment

  1. Hugs and health to Jazz, and remember speed is only one dimension of a journey. If you wanted speed you never would have picked a sailboat. 😀 Wishing you all smooth seas and following winds.

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