Motoring the miles away

So far it’s been mostly uneventful motoring, alternating between calm and beautiful and uncomfortable slamming as the waves come and go. We’ve had a couple of hours where we could sail, as the wind shifted around some small storm cells. The edges of these also gave us some sprinkles of rain, not quite enough to wash the salt spray from the front windows.

We stopped yesterday afternoon to clean the bottom, which mostly meant unclogging the boat speed sensor as our bottom paint still seems to be holding off the barnacles. The swim was nice, and Captain enjoyed the break from the engine noise. He’s a little salty about the trip still, and though his mood is improving he still hasn’t pooped, so it’s laxatives for the little guy.

We had a small issue with the toilet, a clog in the input pump (thankfully) which was easily cleared. Andrew found our first deck squid, which apparently will be joining the flyers in the Pacific’s sea life suicide squad. At sunset we got a double green flash, from the bottom and then the top of a wave. Then maybe ten minutes later the sky lit up into a beautiful fingered sunburst; we stepped away from a beautiful steak dinner to take a look.

People have told us that day three is the hardest, as you adjust to the new routine. Maybe it’s the calm, or maybe our unusually long shifts, but we’re feeling fine and sleeping well, Andrew from 8pm to 4am, and Jazz from four to noon.

3625 miles to go.

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