We’re picking up some cell signal off the coast, ten miles away, so here’s our last sunset over Panama.

After 24 hours of mostly motoring in varying degrees of calm, helped along by the current, we’re now motoring into a slightly stronger wind and an adverse current. Slow going, but the wind is supposed to die again in a couple of hours, and it’s blowing from an unhelpful direction, so there’s nothing for it but to push through.
We had an afternoon visit from a quartet of dolphins. Andrew spotted them out the galley window as he was cooking a late lunch, maybe a body-length from the boat. Jazz rushed to the bow and got to see all four playing in the bow wake and looking up at her, before they turned and swam away.
3763 miles to Nuku Hiva.
Don’t forget to drag a fishing line!
Jazz doesn’t eat fish, and so as a courtesy nether do Captain and I. 🙁