We took another trip to Klein aboard Nautilife, this time with intent to dive. We passed by a couple of occupied mooring balls until we found Sharon’s Serenity unoccupied and tied up. (Remember, there’s no anchoring anywhere in Bonaire.) How come we’re always going out on their boat, you ask? Well, Villa is comfortable for two, but getting four people geared up on our tiny transom is a pretty tight squeeze. Whereas their big Nautitech has plenty of room for four, and sugar scoops right by the water for easier entry and exit. It’s pretty great to be able to hang out with other sailors who enjoy diving and are kind enough to host.

We geared up, hopped in, and found a gently sloping wall with mostly hard corals and sponges.

Drew spotted a huge lobster, walking around in daylight for a rare change. Luckily for him, we’d brought our own lunch. Also pictured: a smooth trunkfish and a parrotfish.

Jazz, sensitized to small things by our dives with Sally, spotted a tiny decorator crab. Super cool! He’s fingertip-sized, so the camera really had no chance, but if you squint a little…

There was great structural coral everywhere.

And lurking in the coral, a chain moray, a lettuce slug, and the “palps” of a chaetopterid worm – we think!

Also lurking, but in soft coral: the Jazzfish doing her species’ instinctive safety stop.

Back aboard the boat, we had a delicious lunch (thanks Drew and Patricia!), and most of the company collapsed into afternoon naps.