Anegada is a nice short day-sail north from Virgin Gorda, so when the wind calmed down a little, we pulled up the anchor. We had a bit of a shitty morning: three miles out from land, we discovered that our macerator had a clog and needed to be taken apart. And arguably worse, when we got a bit rocked by a stray squall, Captain’s litter genie fell over and blocked the door to his litter box. He probably tried to tell us, but we were damp and distracted, and he had two separate accidents. At least, we’re blaming the blocked door, and hoping he wasn’t just being salty about moving again, or having to give up this perch in the sail bag.

All in all, by the time we spotted land, morale was at ebb, and we were ready to bail on the trip and go back to “normal” life on land.
There are two reasonable anchorages on the south side of the island. One has restaurants and mooring balls, and as we passed by, we saw that it also had a sea of charter-boat masts. So, misanthropes that we are becoming, we sailed on past it to the other one, which had just one other boat in it. (We actually took this picture on the way out, but you can see the dense group of masts on the right.)

Reviews claimed that the entry was free of obstacles, and we found that to be true. Some dark spots looked like coral through the silty water, but we saw none more than two feet off the sea floor. So we dropped anchor in nine feet of water over white sand and headed in to walk the nearly-deserted beach.
The sand turned out to be soft, clean, and very slightly pink. It stretched a good long way in both directions, and we had a lovely walk down to the next point, from which we could see an equally lovely-looking beach draped along the next bay.
It’s really a lovely island, and we found our spirits totally reversed from the morning’s trials. Oh right, this is why we’re doing this!
The stray storm systems continued to pass overhead, which made for interesting contrast depending on which direction you looked:
You may notice Dinkus is a little higher on the beach in that shot than he was before. He’d started trying to leave without us, so I had to drag him back up.

And Jazz, tired of seeing an arm reflected in our sunglasses in all our selfies, tried something different.

Eventually it was time to go back to the boat, to turn off the watermaker and enjoy the sunset. (I don’t think I’ve mentioned yet, but if you compare these back-of-boat photos to the early ones, you’ll notice that the transom looks a lot more uniform. That’s because back in the DR, we had a blue cover made for the lifesling, and Jazz made a blue bag for the boogie boards. It’s surprising how much of a difference it makes to have everything in your view match! It makes the aerial shots much cleaner too.)

So we had a restful night with only a light roll to rock us to sleep, and in the morning, we were on our way again. That is, after we talked Captain back off of the sail bag.

Hey Andrew, we received your card a while ago and I’ve been meaning to stop by and say hello. I’m glad to hear that you guys are having a blast and even got a cute companion on board. 🙂 Nothing like a ship cat.
Our team is still alive and trying to make things happen, but we recently lost Carlos to Ads.. 🙁 Sad to see people go one by one but I hope when you finish your journey and are back in California, we will have a big Street View reunion. You guys are the best team I’ve worked with!
Hey Seung Woo, great to hear from you! I do miss working with you guys, and I’ll definitely look you up if I’m ever back in CA. It’s sounding like it’s going to be a little while though… this trip still feels like it’s just getting started 🙂
It never ceases to amaze my how much work (and expense) it takes to sail. People say to me, wow I wish I could be sailing around the world! People have visions of relaxing with cocktails, sunsets, and peaceful water. Hah! I’m so impressed with you two!
We haven’t given up on the vision of relaxing someday! Just… you know, not any time soon.