Isla Caja de Muertos, PR

From Ponce, we took a short morning sail to Coffin Island. It’s a small, pretty island, with a small beach, lots of cactus, and a picnic site with a little museum. There are supposedly rangers, but we didn’t see any while we were there. We did, however, take the cat on a short hike, and he had a great time chasing the local lizard population around. The ferry terminal has a strongly worded sign about not locking your boat to it, so we ended up hanging our dinghy off some rocks to the side.

We ended up spending three days here, gently rolling and catching up on some rest. On day two, we went to shore again, and built ourselves a sand castle. Captain was much less excited about this trip – he still doesn’t really care for sand, so he hid in the rocks, as far from the water as his leash would allow.

That night, as the moon rose over the lighthouse, Jazz finished decorating the Christmas tree. Fortunately, Captain quickly discovered that he doesn’t like the taste of glitter, and he left the ornaments alone for the rest of the season.

There is apparently good coral for snorkeling on the northern end of the island, but we aborted our attempt to get there in the dinghy when the four foot waves started revealing rocks at the troughs. Maybe it’s nice, but we just didn’t have the right weather, so we turned around and surfed back to the mothership, for an early-morning departure for Salinas.

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