Sint Maarten: The Story in Cat Photos

Jazz wrote a little bit about our Sint Maarten experience. We ended up being there for nearly two months, and we’ll have more to say about some of the stuff we did. But for now, here’s a summary as narrated by Captain.

There were many flavors of string, all of which were definitely for me.

Dad did a lot of cooking, but not a lot of sharing.

There were some adventures, like to the Dinghy Dock and to Marigot.

I keep growing. The humans insisted on putting me in a bag to make sure.

I had to do lots of work on the sewing machine.

Along with the sewing went a lot of marking and cutting, and I’m great at all those things too.

Since I’d proven to be so good with pencils, they made me some more! I do like chewing things, but some things are more satisfying than others, and the fakes definitely didn’t scratch the itch.

I helped with a lot more stuff, too, like putting snaps on. It really bugs me when the humans don’t acknowledge my contributions!

In fairness, I also spent a lot of time napping, and generally lounging around.

But when it’s time for a project, you can count on me to be in the center of the action.

Sometimes on grocery day, the parents would bring me my favorite kind of toy.

And I paid them back by making a huge mess all around my food bowl. My mom even measured. Look how much I can spill!

Hey, I was talking! Are you falling asleep already! Wake up!


  1. Heh-heh! Nice story Captain. You sure have grown since your “naming ceremony” at the marina.

    Ralph & Beverly
    S/V Fugue
    Brunswick, Ga.

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