With heavy wind and swell coming from the northeast, we saw a couple of protected-looking places in Virgin Gorda. Our first try was a mooring field just off Spanish Town. We went ashore, and while we saw some sights, we mostly found the town uninspiring. The mooring field was rolly, and the local-looking place (“Criollo Food”) we stopped for food turned out to be Dominican. The roti in the picture is a lie!
We got a nice rainbow in the morning though.

So we sailed up the coast, and tucked ourselves into Gorda Sound behind Prickly Pear Island. A lot of Virgin Gorda is still recovering from Hurricane Irma, including two marinas on the east side that supposedly used to provide a lot of entertainment. Leverick Bay Marina, however, is still going strong, so we dinghied across the water to see their “famous” pirate show, and made friends with some friendly former marines.
The promised high winds did come, and we had good protection from the swell, but not so much from the wind. So we weren’t super excited about leaving Villa unattended, so we mostly hung out on the boat and did some projects. Like laundry, figuring out how to use the Wringmaster we’ve been toting around.
And installing Dinkus’s new fuel filter.
And replacing the screw caps on the ceiling.
And reorganizing the medical cabinet.

And building Captain a new scratching post. He loves the dangly bits, which is why they’re there even though they’re a little unsightly.
And we had a good time creeping on all the megayachts coming and going from the neighborhood, totally unconcerned with these minor (to them) forty knot gusts.
And last, but not at all least, soaking up the sun and lounging around with the cat.