In Puerto Real, we met Erica and her three kids on their boat, , and they took us to see some sights nearby. The first stop was a small town called San Germán, which had a quaint little downtown square. We especially liked the row of cats along the roof outside the old church. I was also amused by the “Password Technical College” – I mean, really, password?
Then we drove into the hills, passing this other amusingly-named institute…

… and took a hike, or really more of a repeated ford of the same stream, as we worked our way up to a nice swimming hole with a waterfall.
The next day, we took a dinghy ride through a cut into the mangroves. The trees curve overhead, and the water gets shallow, so about halfway in we had to turn the motor off, lift it out, and row. The draw is the iguanas, which live in the trees and jump out into the water when startled. But we also saw birds, crabs, and a giant termite mound. Captain had mixed emotions about the whole thing, as always.
After our dinghy ride, we took a quick five-mile sail down the coast to Boquerón – but that’s for another post.
Great photos! Looks very “jungle-ee” !