We had heard good things about the restaurant and grocery store in the Sandy Lane marina, so we figured we’d finally stop in and check it out. We sailed down to Canouan from Bequia, and bypassed Charlestown Bay in favor of the anchorage at Glossy Bay right outside the marina channel.

We stopped in for dinner at the Shenanigans “beach bar”, which turns out to be a beach-side restaurant with American sensibilities, service, and prices. We had some excellent food and cocktails, and danced to some unexpected semi-live music.
In the morning we stopped in at their cafe, which prompted similar wait-what-country-are-we-in feelings. The whole complex is lovely, with colorful buildings and ironwork reminiscent of New Orleans, except with superyachts across the street.

But we weren’t really there for the luxury marina, we were on our way to the Tobago Cays! So we packed up and sailed the hour south, and parked in our usual spot. And just as before, we sat back, relaxed, and worked on Captain’s fetch. We cooked curries, drank canned champagne, worked on our tan lines, and read some books (or sometimes two screens at once). Meanwhile, Captain rotated through his set of sleeping spots, never missing a chance to relax in a position that looks super uncomfortable to his humans.

We had some megayacht neighbors, and Captain continued to be nonplussed by the bigger boats, and yet oddly terrified of kite surfers.

And we had a great time playing games on Due.

But somehow, the Cays weren’t quite the same this time. The wind never died down, and the air and water were both about five degrees (F) colder than in the summer; between the two, getting in the water never got past bracing. So, with somewhat heavy hearts, we hauled anchor and headed back to Canouan to resupply. We had a fun thing where the anchor chain jumped off the gypsy, and we got to practice using our backup anchor while we got it fixed.
This time we went to the Charlestown side, where we found that a cafe that had been under construction was now open, and moonlighting as a crossfit gym of sorts. (Also there was an impressively large beer delivery via ferry, the only time we’ve ever seen goods under guard.)

Yet another boatful of cruisers was in the neighborhood, and we took a walk up the hill with the crew of O Canada. There were baby goats!
The veggie stand, however, was not in high form this time of the year, so it was back to the marina for us. O was having windlass problems, so they hopped a ride on Villa around the corner. We got nice views of the developing Sandy Lane complex, and found the produce much more fresh and varied.

Back around the corner to drop off the passengers and sleep, and then it was time to explore a brand new island.